2014 Hot Wheels Heat Fleet ’65 Chevy Impala

I know there are a lot of collectors who head out to Wal*Mart in the wee hours of the morning with a box cutter to tear into the unopened Hot Wheels cases as they come out of the stockroom. But not me. I prefer getting my sleep. So I was a little surprised when I found the Hot Wheels Heat Fleet ’65 Chevy Impala at Toys”R”Us, took it home and realized it was not yet listed on the South Texas Diecast online collector’s guide. Of course, now that it’s taken me over a week to get it photographed and posted to my site, it’s all old news. In fact, the collector’s guide now lists this car, as well as a Super Treasure Hunt version with gold hub Real Riders (which I will never find in my sleep).

Still it’s nice to get ahold of something relatively early. And this lowrider Impala really looks good in flames – as we saw last year with the Kroger Exclusive Sunburnerz version.

img_4517 img_4520BFD97 | 2014 HW Workshop – Heat Fleet | ’65 Chevy Impala | metalflake copper with yellow and pink flames | gold chrome and black OH5

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