2022 Hot Wheels Art Cars ’58 Impala Treasure Hunt

I’m not a Treasure Hunter. I don’t have the time or the patience, and I generally don’t collect most of the castings that are used. That said, I won’t turn down a casting I collect if it comes out as a Treasure Hunt … that is, if I can find one.

The Hot Wheels ’58 Impala was first released in the 2007 Hot Wheels Classics series. So far, it’s only been produced in about a dozen different variations, the last one being the 2013 Retro Entertainment American Graffiti release. When I saw photos online last year of this Hot Wheel Art Cars ’58 Impala, I knew I had to have one. And since I knew I’d never get up early enough to find one on the pegs, I found mine on eBay.

The matte black paint with white and black Day of the Dead style tampo designs, the silver painted details and those spot-on skull wheels make this a must-have.

By the way, this isn’t the first time the ’58 Impala has been a Treasure Hunt. In fact, in 2011, it was both a Treasure Hunt and a Super Treasure Hunt. But I never found either one of those.

Hot Wheels | 2022 HW Art Cars 8/10 | ’58 Impala | matte black with white and black A on roof and Day of the Dead style tampo designs, silver painted details, clear windows, gray interior, chrome plastic base | Malaysia | white and black skull wheels | Treasure Hunt